What is PR Events?
PR events are events conducted by companies or organizations to provide information, promote, and generate interest and engagement among consumers, media, stakeholders, and more regarding products, services, and other offerings. It also includes events such as new product launches, exhibitions, apology press conferences, product seminars, test drives, and previews. At Integrated Communications, we assist clients in delivering the messages they want to convey to their target audience more effectively, resulting in greater exposure through media and Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs). PR events come in various types and bring about different effects, along with a checklist for achieving success.
Purpose and Effects of PR Events
The most common type is events that announce something ‘new,’ such as new product launches, new services, and announcements of new company establishments.
These events are meant to showcase products or announcements to the media and the general consumers. Generally, events for the media are conducted as previews before the release or announcement, and on the day of the release or announcement, events targeting consumers are often held as promotions. The sense of presence is crucial, and for events, they often use talents, characters, or other elements to boost products and services. They may also invite influencers for consumers, aiming to convey the image of the newly announced products or services. Since it’s primarily a one-way announcement, there is no Q&A, and it’s a timely event held in a large venue with as many attendees as possible. This can also include test drives, tastings, opening parties, and more.
Events targeting media and stakeholders, often referred to as seminars or briefings.
There are events such as seminars, briefings, and training sessions aimed at media and stakeholders. The purpose is promotion, education, and fostering understanding, among others. Especially for B2B products and services, which tend to be highly specialized, the goals include ensuring the correct understanding by the media, acquiring knowledge, and also generating media interest and cultivating fans for those products and industries. In general, it aims to provide clear explanations of specialized knowledge and industry insights, as well as offer the latest market information. B2B media is inherently specialized, but providing such seminars can also contribute to strengthening relationships.
Social gatherings, roundtable discussions, and the like are aimed at strengthening relationships with the media and stakeholders.
There may not be significant announcements, but instead, there are events like social gatherings and roundtable discussions held regularly, precisely for the purpose of relationship strengthening, where people gather around a table. With a small number of participants, it’s easier to exchange opinions and understand each other’s reactions, which is an advantage. Sitting at the same table fosters a sense of unity, and it is essential for maintaining and strengthening relationships with key individuals. Regularly conducting these events enhances trust and leads to the creation of unseen PR benefits.
The Secret to PR Event Success
Success in PR events requires the following.
1. Setting Objectives and Goals – What is the purpose, what are we doing, and what are the specific Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)?
2. Defining the Target Audience – Which media? Whom to invite? What kind of coverage is needed to achieve KPIs?
3. Is the content to be presented of high quality, and are the presentation methods and production engaging?
4. Does the venue, date, time, and accessibility align with the event concept?
5. Is the presentation appealing, and do the presenters possess the necessary presentation skills?
6. Was the event executed according to schedule and as planned?
7. Follow-up – Were thank-yous extended to attendees, and was there a post-event review conducted?
8. Has there been coverage and exposure?
9. Is budget management being conducted?
All of the above are checked as part of the evaluation process.
Success Stories of PR Events
At Integrated Communications, we conduct various PR events. In all cases, having a clear purpose and formulating a strategy and tactics are the fundamentals. When inviting media as guests, the selection of media outlets and determining who to invite are important factors. Last year, for the event conducted for AEye Inc., an American technology company making its debut in Japan, the top management, including the CEO, visited Japan. They presented on various topics, including the company’s mission, product development, sales strategy, and global strategy, each in their own words. Additionally, during their visit to Japan, we conducted individual interviews and provided content tailored to the perspectives of each media outlet. This resulted in widespread coverage in various high-quality media.
If you are planning and organizing a PR event…
What’s important in PR events is…
1. Objectives
2. Goals (Specifically)
3. Content
4. Target Audience
5. Event Date and Location
6. Results and Analysis
At Integrated Communications, we have a proven track record of organizing events, ranging from small-scale gatherings to large presentations and exhibitions, catering to both consumers and B2B stakeholders, as well as media audiences.
We also have extensive experience with overseas clients who do not have a subsidiary in Japan, including embassies. We offer a one-stop solution to assist with everything from event planning to media exposure and audience engagement.